- Buy thread from your nearby stores. There are some threads especially for kite fighting. But if you don't find them you can always use cotton threads.
- Crush some glass into powder-like substance. They should be very fine. The finer it is, the better.
- Store the powdered glass in a safe place. Keep them away from children.
- After the powdered glass is ready, it is time to make the glue by which we will attach the powdered glasses to the thread. Take any medium sized utensil and fill it half with water. Then add 5–7 tablespoon (73.9–104 ml) flour to it. You can add some other substances also like - Aloe Vera (The jelly like substances), Sago etc
Heat the mixture on a stove (Strictly a stove). Wait for the bubbles to appear. Stir the mixture for about 5 minutes. Then cool the mixture.
- Take a spool/thread roller, there are special spools for kite flying but you can always use any other spool. Ask two friends to hold the glue at one end and glass powders at the other end where you will roll the thread.
- Roll the thread through the glue and mixture.
- Tie the thread to your kite.
- Fly the kite and unroll all the thread so that each centimeter of your thread becomes dry. Don't touch the thread until it dries fully. Voila! You are ready to cut the threads of other kite fighters!


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How to make a kite